Monday, April 28, 2014

D is Dinosaur

When you think of dinosaurs, you probably automatically think of a big roaring T-Rex with razor sharp teeth like in the classic Jurassic Park. I never saw Jurassic Park as a kid because it was way too scary. I really did not like or want to watch dinosaurs killing people. I actually didn’t see it all the way through until I was in my 20’s. Terrible, I know. There are still lots of “classic” movies I haven’t seen, but I digress.

While unrealistic, I much prefer to think of dinosaurs as the cute and funny baby dinosaurs like Littlefoot. Or possibly even Dragon Tales.

Land Before Time is a movie that I associate with my childhood. Even though I am not a huge fan of dinosaurs in general, I loved these little guys. We would watch it often when we went over to my cousins’ house to visit. The first one of course was the best. But then the sequels never seemed to end. A quick Wikipedia search told me that there were actually 13 Land Before Time movies, with the most recent being released in 2007. There was also a television series. Kids really love dinosaurs. (Barney, anyone?)

To commemorate these majestic creatures, I made several stuffed dinosaurs, more specifically a stegosaurus. But rather than scary, they are really cuddly and cute. They are really fun to make and even more fun to play with.

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